Tags: Art
The game that this piece was made for had an important hidden side quest which explained the lore and background of dark magic in the world of the game. In the game, the protagonist would meet one of his childhood friends who is an elf residing in the capital of the elves. After completing the main story in that area, an optional quest that can be activated via dialogue with an NPC will commence. This dialogue leads the pair to investigate the origins of Dark Magic in their world. The capital city wasn’t always the home of the elves. Rather, it was once a great city, now delapidated to the South of the capital. After venturing there, the protagonist and his elven friend would stumble across the eerie room you see illustrated before you.
The tomb is located in the ruins of the previously inhabitated city. It has been abandoned for over a 1000 years. Locked within the tomb is the spirit of a Dark Elf. The last dark elf in the world of the game was killed off shortly after the city was abandoned. The Dark Elves were responsible for introducing dark magic into the world. The Tomb itself has a dark magic engraving written in elvish, but none of the words are decipherable since the script is common to the elves but the words differ. The city features long framed windows piercing the oppressive darkness. The tomb is sealed from the outside, preventing anything from escaping.
The protagonist’s friend winds up unintentionally breaking the seal opening the world inside the tomb to the world of the game. Players will be treated to a whole additional area via this side-quest. From the tomb, its very clear there is something very wrong given the growth of the organic-like red tendrils extending from it clenching at the surroundings of the area.
The goal of this artwork was to set the tone for the art direction for this particular area as well as contributing to the overall world building of the series. (It would also indirectly influence the music for the area)
This particular art piece did not need too many changes in order to make it ready for viewing.
List of changes:
- Added metallic details to the windows
- Added proper shaded frames for the windows
- Added lighting detail to the pillars
- Added highlights to the various rocks scattered about the ground
- Fixed the squares around the engravings on the tomb
- Added a slight glow to the lid of the tomb since light is being reflected
- Added additional lighting and shading to tendrils