Tags: Art, Level Design
This art piece showcases the finalized art assets for the exterior of the first dungeon accessed at the very begining of the game from the overworld.
The above image shows a rough early concept of the exterior layout that would be used for the area.
Shown above is the concept for the interior of the dungeon. It is based on the real-world Japanese tale of the Ryūgū-jō. A fantastical undersea castle which has a representation of each season on each wall of the castle. Of course, this isn’t a castle, but a temple. Using the idea of this castle of legend, I added some extra flair. The idea that it was underwater made sense for the interior to have a lake-like floor which is basically filled with water. This was actually more akin to the Water Temple from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in the room where Link fights Shadow Link.
The main room requires four seeds, one from each corner of the dungeon which will unlock the main gate and open up into the boss room. So the idea was to theme the keys to their seasonal counterparts.
Above are the renditions of the seasonal seeds used to unlock the main boss room door.